Das Me!

Graphic Designer. Illustrator. Game Designer. UX Designer.

    As a kid, my life consisted of video games, cartoons, and animated movies. As an adult...well...not much has changed. Always drawing and coming up with my own creations in my youth, I knew that's the path I would continue on later in life.

    I studied illustration and graphic design in college, which allowed me to turn those refrigerator worthy doodles into creative works of art. But I do all I can to allow the playfulness of my youth shine through in my work. The goal of anything I create is to put a smile on those who experience my creativity.

    Although I still enjoy drawing, I have expanded my skills into other areas. Besides doing illustrations, I am also a graphic designer. And still having a love of video games, I began, as a fan, creating levels in Disney Infinity.

    Apparently, Disney enjoyed them enough to hire me on to design levels for the next 2 installments. Needless to say, the last 2 years I have been surrounded by extremely talented and wonderful people and had the opportunity create worlds for characters I have loved since my childhood. It truly has been a privilege.

    I anxiously await to see where this creative journey takes me next! To infinity and beyond!